A Year in Seoul - video by Maddy

Sunday, April 12, 2009

I'd tell you to wake up, but you haven't slept in days

No doubt about it, life has been a lot of fun. Spending the past week on my death bed, however, has made me realize that maybe I need to get my act together a little bit. Now that the beautiful weather has rolled in, there are a lot of things I want to do and see.

Seoul isn't exactly one of the world's greatest tourist draws, but I would like to check out some of the palaces and temples in the city. I want to do some hiking before the weather gets too hot and to finally make it to one of the Seoul Veggie Club meetings. I'd also like to find the English bookstore in the city and buy some books to help me study Korean.

Seoul nightlife is a lot of fun, but the late nights and the hour long subway ride in and out of the city make it really hard to accomplish much during the day. This weekend was Maddy's 23rd birthday, so we decided to go hard and celebrate then become functional human beings next weekend.

Well, its Sunday, and things are looking up. I'm feeling better and I went on an apartment cleaning rampage all day in an attempt to disinfect the "sick nest." I'm not what you would consider domestic by any stretch of the imagination, but I am starting to see what's up with this whole cleaning thing... it does feel kind of nice. Just don't get any ideas about me becoming an obsessive compulsive tidier like my extremely deranged (wonderful and beautiful but yes, psychotic) sister -btw Lee, you would have loved to see me scrubbing away at my counter tops in sweatpants and rubber gloves.

Now I'm in the process of organizing my finances in the hopes of sending home that student loan money AND taking a little trip for a long weekend in May (the Philippines? Japan?) Sure, maybe I don't need to take a trip, but it is my solemn duty to make sure that I see as many sights as possible while I am here... and to write about it all and keep everyone interested at home. See? It's for you much more than it is for me.

So, I welcome myself back to the productive lifestyle. It's been a little while, but I think I can get the hang of it again. It was always easier to sleep when the sun is down...

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